Ion Accelerator - Self-Sustaining Hydrogen Production Technology
Synthetic fuels or eFuels are a logical solution to a sustainable carbon neutral future. The fuel is a direct replacement for common fossil fuels. Simple transition over to a liquid based fuel with existing infrastructure and little modification to cars, trucks, planes, ships and power plants.
BUT! it's not that simple. There are many obsticals to the technology.
The many issues preventing eFuels from rapidly replacing fossil fuels are solvable with the H2IL technology. These issues are challenging and revolve around cost and infrastructure.
For example, pilot projects consisting of huge CCS fans are power intensive therefore located close to renewable energy farms. These sites are permitted to exist at a significant distance away from cities where most CO2 is emitted. Carbon dioxide and monoxide disperses into the air requiring much greater air flow to capture the small percentage at the CCS sites.
Not only is the CO2 capture process very energy intensive but the hydrogen production portion or eFuels is even more so.
Conventional green hydrogen electrolyzers also must be located close to renewable energy farms. They draw very high current requiring huge power cables.
Simple Transition
Therefore, eFuel production plants would require similar infrastructure as aluminium smelters. Smelters are so power intensive that many have their own power plant close to rivers or locations where fossil fuel plants are permissible.
In addition the type of electrolyzers that generate enough hydrogen for extrealmy high methanol production require constant, stable electricity, unlike renewable energy.
H2IL Technology Provides Solutions:
A small footprint and low power consumption enables carbon capture and conversion facilities close to point of CO2 emission. Therefore much less energy is needed to suck CO2 out of the air.