
Ion Accelerator - Self-Sustaining Hydrogen Production Technology
About The Technology
Providing Clean, Low cost, Sustainable energy solutions.
Infrastructure cost and convenience.
What is our objective.
Transforming Energy
The Hydrogen economy is challenged with efficiency, cost of production, transportation, storage and infrastructure.
From a practical perspective, the conversion efficiency from Power-to-Gas-to-Power process as a renewable energy storage, would require 5 days of renewable energy for the one day of supply demand. Renewable energy on its own does not supply the reliable base-line power required for practical day-to-day demands. Much focus is on Hydrogen as a substitute for fossil fuels.
Conventional electrolyzers are extremely power intensive requiring large scale systems to be located close to energy source. Delivery of hydrogen to point of consumption also requires costly, inefficient storage and transportation infrastructure. Electrolyzers are layered with very expensive materials, specific electrolyte and consumable metals, adding to the overall cost and maintenance.
H2IL's single-bullet solution:
A solution that generates small to large scale hydrogen at point of consumption from a self-sustaining, low cost and integrated infrastructure.
A revolutionary technology that doesn't require bulk electricity to electrolyse water. Self-sustaining hydrogen production without the use of chemicals or rapid consumption of elements.
Providing the remedy to 'Hydrogen Economy, disruptive chicken-and-egg scenario' currently stalling the growth of FCEV fuel infrastructure and other energy mix projects.

The H2IL Ion Accelerator dissociates unfiltered sea and rain water in the same way that Geologic Hydrogen is naturally produced in earths crust. Splitting H2O by stimulating ions from a natural galvanic energy harvested from abundant and low cost metals. The energy content of the hydrogen is many time greater than the input catalyst electricity. This has proven to enable self-sustaining energy generation with comparatively low galvanic metal consumption.
Like nuclear fission and fusion this technology enables self-sustaining energy but without splitting or fusing atoms.
Superior to nuclear, this limitless energy can either be stored as well as instant conversion to electricity or heat within a renewable cycle. Generating both Hydrogen and Electricity from the single instillation.
Hydrogen produced on-site eliminates costly, complex gas storage and transportation issues.
A secure means of energy with a reliability that, unlike renewable energies, parallels stable nuclear or fossil fuel power.
Creating Energy? No! Hydrogen is an existing element bound in water but can be used as a fuel. It is released not created. The Ion Accelerator is simply a method of freeing the H2O bonds more efficiently by accelerating ions rather than 200 year old brute-force energy.
A fully scaleable technology from small local hydrogen supply facilities or power stations, up to large scale ammonia, green steel, synthesis fuel production and existing power plant conversion.
Safe and eco-friendly with absolutely no detrimental by-products or greenhouse emissions.
Low cost and undemanding infrastructure makes for a rapid change and ease of integration with much less consent approval.
With such broad advantages the applications are numerous and game-changing to say the least.
Some would label it 'too good to be true' just as many technologies were once labeled but are now sitting on our desktop or held in our hands.
H2IL is not claiming perpetual motion, creating energy from nothing, which is impossible. As a logical comparison, crude oil is extracted and refined to be use as a fuel. The complete process of producing an oil based fuel consumes less energy than the net usable energy (as fuel) without violating laws of thermodynamics. Both oil and hydrogen are an existing substance that must be extracted but can be used as a fuel.
We are familiar with self-sustaining energy when we think of Nuclear Power. However, in this application, the metals rods are safe, low cost, abundant and recyclable. Common nuclear power generation uses an energy harvested from certain scarce metals. The H2IL Ion Accelerator also harvests an energy stored in metals to extract H2. A small amount of input power, from the grid or 5% feedback directly from inline hydrogen Fuel Cell, will excite and sustain a hydrogen generating reaction. Energy is not being created, which is impossible, but simply transferred from one form to another and supporting the laws of thermodynamics.
Advantages over fossil fuel, nuclear and renewable energy are numerous:
Conventional power plants generate electricity from a single station with problematic and costly power distribution infrastructure connecting the wider grid. Solution: the H2IL system is scalable and self-sustaining therefore the size and output can be scaled down to small, local microgrids and local micro-generation or scaled up to fuel coal power plants.
The non-toxic byproduct is recyclable or has other commercial value, unlike nuclear power, where the radioactive byproduct is difficult and expensive to confine.
Hydrogen can either be converted to heat, mechanical or electrical energy instantly, or become an energy carrier and be stored for future consumption.

The clean hydrogen based technology will be welcomed by the public and investors. A safe, clean and limitless fuel produced by non-life threatening infrastructure, that will require much less site approval with public resistance, than nuclear energy.
A sustainable and reliable power generation day an night, in all weather conditions.
Much smaller infrastructure footprint than solar or wind energy.
Paralleling fluctuating power demands and load capacity of hydro, nuclear and follis fuel power generation.
No grid upgrades required.
Non-obstructive infrastructure with no public resistance currently stalling renewable energy approval.
Infrastructure Cost & Convenience:
As with all fuels, cost and convenience in use will determine it success. The H2IL Ion Accelerator is an attractive solution to the many obstacles surrounding green hydrogen.
Some factors to consider:
Green hydrogen from conventional electrolysis is very energy intensive. To produce just 25% of the worlds future hydrogen energy demand, (excluding industrial applications) around 31,320TWh of electricity would be required to power standard electrolyzers. This is more electricity than is currently generated worldwide from ALL sources combined.
One may argue that this will self-rectify as renewables reduce in cost and more farms are installed. However, energy demand will increase into the future as our reliance on fossil fuels reduces. Statistics indicate that electrification of the transport sector will place a huge demand on existing grids and energy infrastructure.

Larger scale delivers greater efficiency
In addition, the tremendous power draw by conventional electrolyzers require placement as close as possible to the energy source. therefore, most renewables are strategically positioned miles away from end consumption and distribution requiring complex storage and transportation or pipeline infrastructure. Also conventional electrolyzers don't like intermittent power supply typical of renewable energies. Their performance and life-span are shortened, adding to the overall cost.
The H2IL technology provides solutions:
Over 50 times more efficient than conventional large scale electrolyzers means much lower power demand, or much higher production for the given renewable energy infrastructure. The power demand reduced with upscale but consider this benchmark example.
A 24 cubic meter cell (3x4 meter footprint) would produce 29kg/h (250 tones per year) consuming just 19kWh of electricity. Compare this to 1,450kWh power demand from conventional electrolyzers. Alternatively the production output for 1,450kWh of power would be 2204kg/h (19 million tons per year). These numbers increase on a logarithmic scale as the cell (or number of cells) increase and the surface area of galvanic energy becomes larger.
An application where grid power is driving the electrolyzer can be located at any point on the existing grid. Installed right at point of gas distribution or consumption.
This is workable because the current draw in Amps to power the Ion Accelerator is exceptionally low. For example the 24 cubic meter cell requiring 19kWh of electricity, demands around 80 Amps of current draw at 240 Volts, compared to 18,000 Amps at 80 Volts for conventional electrolyzers. The current draw, rather than voltage, is what taxes the power grid. Conventional methods will require larger size cabling and a complete multibillion dollar grid upgrade.
An application where less than 5% of the hydrogen produced, feeds back into a fuel cell to self-power the Ion Accelerator. Enabling self-sustaining production and eliminates the complex supply chain of gas storage and transportation.

Hydrogen, being the smallest element on earth, presents challenging storage issues as most tanks can not contain the gas over long periods of time. Also standard gas pipelines are not hydrogen ready resulting in a huge gas loss over the length of piping.
The ability to produce hydrogen on-site, at any location without grid power, opens doors to many possibilities including microgrids and fuel supply in remote locations.
In addition, the flexibility of scale enables thousands of self-sustaining, small scale hydrogen supply outlets and microgrid power generation facilities to be installed. Above or below ground, roadside, parks and reserve, fuel stations, parking lots, even home installations with little land usage. Installations in small locations where other fuel based power supply generators are not able to accomplish. See more in the Applications section.
The flip side of the convenience coin.
The H2IL technology requires frequent galvanic rod exchange. This process is carried out every 71 days on average depending on the load requirements and scale. Larger installations that require less input power per kg/H2, will consume less internal galvanic metals, hence a longer service period. The exchange process is a one-man operation taking less than 3 hours for a one cubic meter cell. Creating a residual income and providing jobs. The galvanic metal rods calculate to $0.34 per kg of hydrogen produced and are much easier and cost effective to transport and store than hydrogen. (Comparison Chart)
Conventional electrolyzers and renewable energies also require some level of maintenance, so this is not considered a labor intensive solution, especially in light of all the advantages highlighted above.
Worldwide Energy Potential:
H2 Innovation Lab is offering technology acquisition of a fully patented energy based technology that opens doors to possibilities once considered impossible. An international network of self-sustaining, on-site Hydrogen production facilities to:
Support a trending transition to hydrogen fuelled transportation.
Micro power generation. The ability to scatter 5 to 50kWh power generators at any location throughout the grid and sell power back to the grid 24/7 in all weather conditions including peak hours.
Support EV transportation with micro electricity generation charging stations.
A method of replacing power station coal, oil or natural gas burners over to hydrogen fuelled burners without extensive infrastructure change.
A renewable energy storage method at any location on the grid to eliminate pipeline and transportation.
A means of fuelling marine vessels by the very substance they are floating on.
Because hydrogen is the main building block of most chemicals including synthetic fuels, a technology that produced hydrogen efficiently is considered to be bigger than the discovery of oil.

A potential multi-trillion dollar energy network of generation stations installed and owned by an energy supplier who would charge for fuel and energy consumption much the same as current power and fuel suppliers. The H2IL Galvanic Enhanced Electrolysis technology is fully developed over a 14 year period with confidential I/P supporting the secured intellectual property for a robust technology acquisition.
Our Goal:
To secure a successful rollout of this game-changing, highly disruptive technology, H2IL is focused on technology acquisition rather than in-house manufacturing.
Our objective is to assign the technology to a major multinational company (or group thereof) with the financial strength and international presence to take it to the next level. The transfer will include patents, blueprints, working prototype ready for commercialisation and most valuable is the extensive hidden intellectual property.

H2IL is not developing an investor portfolio or moving forward with production of the equipment! H2IL is self-funded and is not creating any appearance of fraud by taking revenue or donations from the public, or applying for government support.