Ion Accelerator - Self-Sustaining Hydrogen Production Technology
Test Report for Sep 6, 2019
Video snippets of CCTV Footage: Performance Test September 6, 2019
Includes Extensive Self-Sustaining Periods
This test focuses mainly on the G.E.E. capacity to generate enough hydrogen energy to become self-sustaining. This is achieved by connecting the G.E.E. power input directly into the very fuel cell stack that the generated hydrogen is fueling. Not only does it self-sustain for a period of 2 hours (and could have continued) but additional, usable power is generated. This is very pleasing given the size of this small cell in addition to the energy loss when converting the hydrogen back into electricity.
Camera 8 is focused on the bubbler and gas pressure gauge. For accurate input v.s. output comparison the pressure gauge must remain constant. The Horizon fuel cell bleeds hydrogen gas at intervals to remove water. It also has a short circuit system (SCU) which consumes gas in 100ms bursts. These inherent factors consume extra hydrogen in addition to the 40% efficiency. We run with the SCU switched off to reduce waste hydrogen and support a stable efficiency test. According to the manufacturers operation manual, see Test Setup page, the efficiency will reduce as much as 20% extra with the SCU off, however we base all calculation on the best case (40%).
Camera 8 also focuses on a 0 to 1000mL/Min Air flow gauge. If Oxygen was present in the output gas then the flow meter would show bursts well in excess of 600mL/Min according to the hydrogen production of 0.6 to 2.0 L/Min.
We manually adjust the output load to conform with the hydrogen production flow. Each test report will demonstrate differing power levels demonstrating the increase in performance as the power is decreased. This demonstrates the science behind the technology where the main energy is drawn from galvanic energy rather than the input power, which is the catalyst stimulating the electrochemical process.
At points through the shortened video, camera 8 will scan around the equipment. We strongly suggest you pause at intervals and study it closely to assure electrical and gas connections are as stated. Statements from independent qualified electricians contracted to inspect and verify the connections will be published in the report.
The Horizon fuel cell we use to perform the test is 40% efficient therefore to realize the performance of the Galvanic Enhanced Electrolyser a calculation of (fuel cell output divided by 0.4) is required. The fuel cell output is displayed on the electronic loader (green display). Commercial PEM fuel cell efficiency ranges from 30% to 60% efficiency and no fuel cell can come close to 100%.
Note to the general viewer: This report is for scientific verification purposes and not part of an investment program or money laundering exercise. H2IL is not taking shares in this venture but is focused on assigning the patents and additional IP to a corporation large enough to integrate the technology on a large scale. These corporations will require personal demonstrations and validation in addition to these reports.